Cleaning Out My Closet

We’re not exactly sure where or when, but one thing George and I know is we’d like to move this year – hopefully before the height of summer.  While Florida undeniable has beautiful beaches and many ideal weather days in the winter months, we both miss the mountains and would like Ellie to grow up… Continue reading Cleaning Out My Closet

Labor & Delivery

Baby Ellie <3

Labor & delivery is something I’ve feared ever since I first learned where babies come from.  It’s daunting to think a little human can fit out an orifice of the body…not to mention grow inside.  As I learned more about labor & delivery through classes offered at the hospital and listening to positive birth stories… Continue reading Labor & Delivery

Welcome Baby Ellie <3

Our baby’s due date arrived and out she came to join us in the real world. Baby Ellie Charlene was born on November 23rd at 0931.  Labor began around 1700 on Thanksgiving as George and I sat down to eat turkey.  We couldn’t have been more excited or relieved as we both were hoping to… Continue reading Welcome Baby Ellie <3