A Little Each Day

A miracle happened the other day – Ellie took a real nap and it wasn’t on a lap or in a carrier, car or stroller.  I had lunch and took a shower.  Amazed she was still sleeping after 40 minutes, I started doing simple exercises.  Not ideal after showering, but hey, it sure was nice to get a shower in without prompting her to cry.  Living in active wear helps take advantage of pockets of time that pop up.

I’ve been making a point to select 6 different exercises to complete 3 sets of each day.  I also try to follow it up with stretching.  Some days I opt for a short yoga video on YouTube instead.  I meet my goal some days and other days it totally falls by the wayside, which I’ve been okay with as we almost always get out for a walk.  While lunging compounded with bicep curling, Ellie started to stir.  Internal dialogue began to whirl in my head, firstly telling me I should just throw in the towel for the day.  My optimistic brain kicked in saying a little each day = a lot over time.  

This positive thought quickly captivated my brain as I moved through my exercises and Ellie continued sleeping.  While it certainly wasn’t a new concept to me, it came to the forefront of my brain at just the right time.  I started to think about other important tasks such home projects and my continuing education log for my dietitian registration and license.  Had I started painting a little each day or even each weekend day a few months ago, the house would be entirely freshly painted by now.  Had I entered my continuing education credits as I completed them, there would be no need to spend an hour or 2 at a time scanning the certificates and completing the online logs.  

A little each day = a lot over time is very much a thought I will make a concerted effort to remind myself of each day.  It combats the all or nothing way of thinking that is so easy to surrender to, especially during times of change such as becoming parents or moving.  While some days I may complete only 1 set of 1 of my 6 selected exercises, it’s certainly better than none.  And what’s more, it maintains it as a habit and a part of my daily priorities for health and wellness.  Now I just need to get going with that paint brush and continuing education log 🙂 

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