
We’re mobile! Our radical downsizing plans accelerated with the end of George’s local contract.

New assignments that may require moving is perpetually a possibility working for a contractor in the power industry. We were extremely fortunate that George’s assignments during our courtship, nuptials and arrival of Ellie were all within a reasonable commuting distance. In April, with 4 days notice, that changed. George’s crew was faced with relocating and ultimately chose a contract in the Sarasota/Bradenton area.

For the past several weeks, I’d see George off to work at 4 am on Mondays and welcome him home on Friday nights. George stayed with his crew either in a hotel or an Airbnb. Ellie and I stayed behind at our townhouse, forging forth with donating unnecessary possessions, preparing it to sell and searching for a house on wheels that would fit our needs.

Packing fun with Ellie in her “race car” (imagination credits to George).

After several trips to RV lots and many phone calls, we found our ideal 5th wheel. While the process seemed long during the search, it moved magically fast once we found our match…kind of like George’s and my relationship 🙂

We moved on July 1st. All in all, things have gone quite smoothly and it does feel like home. It is so nice to be under the same roof every night. While storm work will still send George on the road for periodic intervals, we are now equipped to go with him wherever contracts take him.

It’s hard to leave dear, dear friends, but our hearts are open to the opportunities and freedom that come with having a smaller, mobile home. Also, we identify with this Maya Angelou quote that was introduced to us by Brene Brown in Braving the Wilderness:

“You are only free when you realize you belong no place—­you belong every place—­no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great.” – Maya Angelou

We’re getting into our new groove and I’m determined to carve out time to write more. I intend to chronicle our travels and living more with less.

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