This was the first Halloween I spent with these two.

Of course it was Ellie’s first Halloween, but also the first time George wasn’t away on storm since I met him.
We had a pretty routine Thursday, with the exception being I brought a little turkey with me to Mom & Baby Yoga at Rosemary Court 🙂
George and I had fun brainstorming costume ideas. We settled on a turkey; inspired by going into labor with Ellie while eating Thanksgiving dinner last year.
We did our best to copy this costume. I will always remember making the tutu with George the night before Halloween.

After running into issues with the elastic band I purchased, the tutu-making came down to the last minute. George was more than happy to help. We ultimately solved our elastic band woes by cutting out the band from a pair of Ellie’s pants.
George and I planned to take Ellie to a pumpkin patch, but between George working in Texas after the tornado and rain here in Florida, it didn’t work out.
We did still pick up a pumpkin for Ellie and carved it the weekend following Halloween. Ellie was very excited to see her pumpkin every time we went outside or even walked by a window facing it. She was a bit unsure of the carving process, though.

I feel so incredibly grateful to have my sweet little family to share holidays and every days.