
Though we celebrated Ellie’s first birthday almost two weeks ago (post to come), this was Ellie’s first Thanksgiving. She missed it last year by about ten hours.

We had a wonderfully simple and sweet Thanksgiving at home. Initially, we planned to join George’s dad in California, but in the end we decided to wait until Christmas to allow for a longer stay. We are so grateful our family is understanding of our limited ability to plan ahead with George’s work schedule and crew to consider.

While getting things started in the kitchen and lounging over breakfast, we raised up the “televator” and watched some of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.

We took a break to enjoy a walk. It’s always fun to see what new RVs arrive each day and where they are from. The park was quite full for Thanksgiving. I wish I had remembered to grab my phone to take a picture or two as it was an absolutely gorgeous day.

Over the past year or so, we’ve gravitated toward eating plant-based and are pretty much totally there. We enjoyed a delicious pared-down and plant-based menu.

Roasted chestnuts on Ellie’s play mat while she napped. I will always think of my dear friend, Beka, who introduced me to how scrumptious and easy these are <3

We enjoyed the home time together; thinking and talking about all we’re grateful for and touching base with far-away family.

We hope you and yours had a special Thanksgiving.

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