Hello Again

Greetings from the Sarasota area! Yes, we’re still here. We opted to stay put with the pandemic and have been bouncing around the local RV parks. Thankfully, there’s been plenty of work for George to remain in the same contract.

After many months without true wifi at our home on wheels coupled with no longer going to public places to use theirs, my computer has been in no shape to craft or publish a post.

George warned me about the likelihood of unreliable cell/internet service that comes with living at RV parks. He wasn’t joking. While breaks from the virtual world can bring peace and tranquility, it can also bring about frustration since so much of what we do these days is online.

After getting settled at our current park and finding our phones basically useless for communication, we opted to subscribe to a company that provides wifi networks in RV parks. For now I’m enjoying reliable access to online banking, email, Amazon 😉 etc.

With my computer mostly up to date, and some alone time with George’s crazy schedule, I finally have been feeling the urge to write again. I’m planning to cover the things that consume my brain most of the time including parenthood, linewife life, whole food plant-based eating, full time RV living, minimalism and books I read. George has very little downtime, so the posts will be from me – Andrea :). Let’s see if I can break out of this virtual reclusive path I’ve been on.

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