Hello 2022…and Winter

It’s been an interesting week or so since we returned from Christmas vacation. We spent almost a week down in Lancaster, CA celebrating Christmas with George’s dad. We also enjoyed visiting with his aunt and uncle. On the day we were scheduled to head “home” to Pollock Pines, we learned the roads up the mountain were closed due to white out conditions. To add to things, the power was out.

George made the executive decision to head to the beach for at least a night or 2 and off to Monterey we went. We enjoyed our brief stay there before heading back to a starkly different reality at home. Ellie’s love for the beach remains strong. Pebble Beach and Monterey State Beach were absolutely stunning…as was the sight when we made the venture back to Pollock Pines.

George had the good sense to pick up a generator and other supplies before we got close to the disaster zone where things likely would be sold out. Hours of shoveling were ahead just to be able to park the truck, get to the trailer and safely run the generator. We were so grateful for help from another lineman in the trailer park.

Days of shoveling ensued just to be able to push the slides out and to free the Suby. The generator hummed for about 5 days before the power returned on January 2nd. All the while our cell use was limited to phone calls – text and data did not work. This provided for some nice “unplugged” time to round out the year. We played, read books and watched old fashion DVDs. It was a nice reset and we’re feeling inspired to continue unplugged NYE in the future with our family.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2022…would SO love for this pandemic to wind down somehow, someway this year.

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