First Trimester

16 weeks pregnant (first belly shot wasn't taken until the 2nd trimester;)

As mentioned in the previous post, we are happily expecting our 2nd child in July. I thought I would share some of what I remember from the first trimester; we’re currently at 20 weeks. We’ve not been doing so hot at taking pictures, hence the limited images. I spent much of the first trimester trying… Continue reading First Trimester


Been trudging through internet struggles for the past several weeks in a beautiful, rural campground. I’ve managed to piece together a choppy post. Let’s rewind to our first stay in California – Cal Expo RV Park. This RV park was basically a parking lot, but it worked out just fine. The maximum stay is 30… Continue reading Sacramento


Though we celebrated Ellie’s first birthday almost two weeks ago (post to come), this was Ellie’s first Thanksgiving. She missed it last year by about ten hours. We had a wonderfully simple and sweet Thanksgiving at home. Initially, we planned to join George’s dad in California, but in the end we decided to wait until… Continue reading Thanksgiving

Mom Mobile

A few weekends ago, we awoke to the startling sound of a severe weather alert. There was a tornado warning in our area. Evidence of rotation was identified on radar and headed our way. Living in a 5th wheel and unsure which buildings at the RV resort would be accessible at 3:30 am, George and… Continue reading Mom Mobile

From Bradenton to Venice

Two weeks ago we moved about 30 miles south to Venice (FL).  We spent the previous 3 months at Winter Quarters Manatee in Bradenton.  With the back and forth to New Port Richey, we didn’t do as much exploring as we would have liked, but here are a few places we enjoyed in the area.… Continue reading From Bradenton to Venice

The Hardest Part

Throughout the process of paring down to 300ish square feet of living space, George has routinely made a point to ask me how I’m doing.  One night he added a twist and asked me what I’ve found the hardest.  Initially, I came up with nothing.  This lifestyle is a choice we made together.  Excitedly.  A… Continue reading The Hardest Part


We’re mobile! Our radical downsizing plans accelerated with the end of George’s local contract. New assignments that may require moving is perpetually a possibility working for a contractor in the power industry. We were extremely fortunate that George’s assignments during our courtship, nuptials and arrival of Ellie were all within a reasonable commuting distance. In… Continue reading Poof!